Asalamu aleikum!
i'd like to translate The reminder videos into russian and i decided to start with "why Islam" and then the others one by one inshaallah.
so,it would be nice to get a script from u
Many thanks
with sister love and respect
Katya Gul
Subtitled & Translated
Asalamu aleikum!
i'd like to translate The reminder videos into russian and i decided to start with "why Islam" and then the others one by one inshaallah.
so,it would be nice to get a script from u
Many thanks
with sister love and respect
Katya Gul
Posted by
Katya Gul
5:40 AM
Asalam alaikum,
I sent you the script for " Why Islam"
Salamalekum Katya,
Ya toje hotela perevodit scripty na Russiy, no kak vizhu vy meny operedili:). Togda budu zanimatsa perevodom na Uzbekskiy. Esli budet nujna pomoch', pishite anytime
Thank's for russian translation . I found one company called SpadeWorx and they claim that they are leading Flex Development Company in India..
Certified Russian translation
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