Thursday, August 02, 2007

Bismillah Al Rahman Al Rahim,

Assalamu aleikom,

Alhamdulillah i am translating into Romanian the scripts and i would like to know if there is someone else translating in this language.

Untill now, alhamdulillah i translated Muslims at Jummah, Culture versus Islam, Fisibilillah Discount, How did you converted to Islam and I am still working at Muslims during salat.

I would like to thank brother Wiendietry for uploading the scripts and to everyone else who also uploaded the scripts.

And I would like to congratulate everyone for the beautiful work they are doing. May Allah reward you!

If you have any other scripts in english language, please tell me because it will be much easier for me to translate it. Thank you!

Assalamu Aleikom!

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