Asalam alaikum everyone,
Yes I agree with Asmae, just remember your family, work and studies are 1st priority. This is just a volunteer help. Take your time people, no need to rush. Jazakum Allah.
Subtitled & Translated
Asalam alaikum everyone,
Yes I agree with Asmae, just remember your family, work and studies are 1st priority. This is just a volunteer help. Take your time people, no need to rush. Jazakum Allah.
Posted by
Yusuf Chowdhury
6:59 AM
salamu aleikom!
hey i have to apologize because i'm really busy these days (EXAMS' PERIOOOODDD!!!)
i tried to start something but i'm very bad with this stuff, so i need time. As can you imagine, i haven't it for the moment. So please (elle) be patient.
Salam, take care all!
Posted by
5:27 AM
Asalam alaikum,
Check this chart please, it was posted by Wiendietry_Indonesian.
Posted by
Yusuf Chowdhury
9:55 PM
Asalam alaikum,
Jazake Allah Elle.
1st I want to make sure everyone got all the scripts.
2nd I have to send you all the links for all the reminder videos to download them.
3rd I’ll post some software and tutorial on how to use them.
Keep in mind some of the volunteers are very busy with their work, families and schools, so I am not trying to rush anyone. Please take your time. I would this to be a team work. Some of us don’t know how to use the software from past experience when we lunched this blog a year a go. Some decided only to translate. We can all work together and tech other.
Check the BLOG RACHIVE and see how some of the volunteers put excellent posts. Jazakum Allah.
Posted by
Yusuf Chowdhury
6:52 PM
Assalamu aleikum
Can someone explain to me whats next? I already translated 3 what is next?
Posted by
5:00 PM
Asalam alaikum everyone,
I sent some of the scripts through email. You all should have them by now. I got 2 more scripts tonight and insha'Allah I'll send them again. I added all your email to feed burner, so when you get an email to confirm, please apply the confirmation. That way, anytime we post something, all of us will got that post emailed to us. One more last thing don't forget Fire fox. Remember to use this BLOG for communication with everyone. Jazakum Allah. You call been very helpful.
Posted by
Yusuf Chowdhury
11:57 PM
Asalam alaikum,
Sorry again Brothers and sister, I got too busy, Insha’Allah I’ll email you all some of the scripts that I have. When I get the rest of them then I’ll send them to you Insha’Allah. I am still working on the links. Did anyone download Fire Fox?
Jazakum Allah.
Posted by
Yusuf Chowdhury
6:51 PM
Assalamu aleikum
Hi. I m from Latin America and i can help to translate to spanish.
Asman,let me know in what videos are u working,for not translate the same.
Can send to me the script to,i will apreciatte it.
Posted by
8:33 AM
Labels: spanish
Asalam alaikum everyone,
I am sorry if I didn’t send the scripts through email. After sorting out I found out I only had scripts for 11 reminder videos. Brother Ali lost his Jump Drive, so it was not that easy for him to go look for the scripts somewhere else. I contacted him last night and he might have the rest of the scripts on a different PC Insha’Allah.
How is Firefox browser coming? Did anyone download it and tried it? Let me know. Anything else in your mind, please feel free to share. Jazakum Allah.
Posted by
Yusuf Chowdhury
2:37 AM
Asalam alaikum everyone,
Alhamdulilah for those who don’t know or don’t want to use the software, I got scripts for some of the reminder videos. Insha’Allah I’ll go through them to sort them out and I’ll send it to all of you via email. Remember not all the scripts are exactly the same on the videos. Brother Ali changed some of them. So when you go through the scripts also watch the videos.
I am also trying to get full links for all the videos so you all can download them. Remember to use Firefox ( please.
I’ll work on putting some kind of links like feed blitz or feed burner so whenever we post we all can get notified via email, Insha’Allah. Jazakum Allah
Posted by
Yusuf Chowdhury
3:38 PM
As Salamu Alaikum
I just joined this forum. Insha Allah I want to help to translate the videos to bengali. Will I be able to subtitle the videos? I mean will the tool that is used to create subtitles accept bengali fonts? I've never done this before. It will be easier for me dub the videos - How can I do that? What tools do I need?
Jazakum Allahu Khair
Posted by
Raihan Iqbal Syed Mohammad
5:43 AM
Asalam alaikum wiendietry,
Ma shallah that’s a super idea. Are the qualities of the videos good? I have the links for the videos in .MOV, MPGE4 & MP4 format. Jazakum Allah.
Posted by
Yusuf Chowdhury
1:33 PM
Asalamu Alaikum Bro Sis,
I'll try makin a How To tutorial article regarding ummahfilms subtitling.
The article will be divided into sections i.e:
1. Getting the video from youtube
2. Using the video converter (Super)
3. Using the subtitle editor (subtitle workshop/DivX Land Media Subtitler)
4. Publishing video to youtube
Makin these tutorial will cost me significant time (esp. step 2,3,4), so be patient bro /sis, i'll do my best Insha Allah. I'll set my target at the end of this month.
But for the easy part (first section), all you need to do is this.
1. Browse the video at youtube, e.g : which is the url for the 1st vlog (funny things at jummah) in english version.
2. Add "kiss" just before the "youtube" part of the url, similar to this and then TADA! you'll get a link for downloading the video directly.
3. Note that the video format is an .flv (flash video), to play it you need an flvplayer (get it here it's free and also notice that you need to complete some requirements to run this software)
4. That's it, you have the video and the player now
Hope this tip useful for you
Posted by
10:27 PM
Labels: subtitling, Tutorial, ummahfilms
Asalam alaikum everyone,
Asmae, what type of problem you’re having with the videos? Sarina you don’t have to rush, if you’re going to be out for 2 month that’s ok. Do what ever you can and don’t work too hard on this. Regarding the videos I can send you all the links where you can download them to your PC. I strongly recommend using Firefox browser. Let me know if this is what you all want. Jazkakum Allah. Wa salam alaikum.
Posted by
Yusuf Chowdhury
2:04 PM
Asalamu aleikum brothers and sisters
I hope you are all doing well inshaallah.
I'm really looking forward to subtitling and translating the videos
and working together with you all as a team.
Viendietry, I liked your idea a lot, but I have the same problem as Asmae.
I need some time to inform myself about how to get the videos and how to subtitle them.
Maybe you could tell me how. And inshaallah I'm going to contact Haji; since she is the one who speaks German aswell.
Anyways, I put my personal deadline for finishig the first video on Juli the 7th, because after that I will be away for nearly two month.
I don't know if this is realistic or if I could finish more videos in that time.
How long did it take for you guys?
So let me know !
maasalama bro and sis
Posted by
7:48 AM
Asalam alaikum wiendietry,
I liked your idea a lot. Lets wait for the rest of the crew for their feedback. Jazaka Allah.
Posted by
Yusuf Chowdhury
2:00 AM