Asalamu aleikum brothers and sisters
I hope you are all doing well inshaallah.
I'm really looking forward to subtitling and translating the videos
and working together with you all as a team.
Viendietry, I liked your idea a lot, but I have the same problem as Asmae.
I need some time to inform myself about how to get the videos and how to subtitle them.
Maybe you could tell me how. And inshaallah I'm going to contact Haji; since she is the one who speaks German aswell.
Anyways, I put my personal deadline for finishig the first video on Juli the 7th, because after that I will be away for nearly two month.
I don't know if this is realistic or if I could finish more videos in that time.
How long did it take for you guys?
So let me know !
maasalama bro and sis
1 comment:
salam alaikom sarina!
I am going to help to translate into German inshaAllah. Did you find out how to do it the best way? And did you already star working on a video? Maybe we should share the work, so that not all of us three translate the same videos.
But maybe we should all check them and make proposals for improvement before they post the new videos in German.
Salam from Oberhausen
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